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Dec 22, 2022

If you are an advisor from attorney to CPA to financial advisor, you need to consider periodic or event-based beneficiary reviews across your clients' portfolios. There are major benefits from these reviews of beneficiaries and insurance policies that may uncover other financial opportunities (for you and the client) and huge potential pitfalls for your clients or their families.

Our guest is Elizabeth Kusmider, Director of Strategic Life Marketing Initiatives at EMG Insurance Brokerage. She shares her expertise on how and when incorrect beneficiary designations can wreak havoc on clients' plans, and how you can help them avoid these situations.

She gives us the top 6 life events that warrant a beneficiary review:
Job Changes

She delves into the finer points of each of these, and gives specific issues that could arise with any of these life changes. 

Contact Elizabeth below or find her on LinkedIn at
(713) 507-1015


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